
All assets held will be internally audited as well as audited by a third-party firm.

Providing Proof-of-Reserves Through the Auditing Process for all of GMPs' Product Issuances


At Gen. M Partners, we take transparency and accountability seriously. As part of our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and trust, we have established a robust auditing framework for every product issuance on our platform. This framework ensures that our clients and platform users can have confidence in the integrity of our offerings.

We take the security and integrity of our products very seriously. That's why we've implemented a robust two-step audit process to constantly evaluate and improve our product issuance process. These independent assessments provide an objective evaluation of our internal controls, procedures, and compliance measures related to product issuance during the external audit.

Let’s delve into the two separate auditing steps that each product undergoes:

1) Internal Audit

Our internal audit leverages proprietary models to assess the internal controls, processes, and compliance measures related to product issuance. These models act as a framework to automate and streamline the audit process.

Risk Assessment:

  • Our models analyze historical data and industry trends to identify potential risks associated with product issuance. These risks can be operational (e.g., production delays), financial (e.g., pricing errors), or regulatory (e.g., compliance breaches).

  • The models prioritize these risks based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence.

Control Evaluation:

  • The models assess the effectiveness of existing controls against the identified risks. This includes evaluating whether control design aligns with best practices and is embedded within the product issuance process.

  • The models may utilize simulations or data analysis to test the actual implementation and monitoring of controls.

Process Review:

  • Our proprietary models map the end-to-end product issuance process, from initial design to final release. This allows for a systematic evaluation of each step against relevant policies and procedures.

  • Deviations from established protocols or potential bottlenecks may be flagged by the models for further investigation.

Documentation Examination:

  • The models can be configured to analyze relevant documentation, such as product specifications, pricing data, legal agreements, and client communication records.

  • This analysis may involve searching for inconsistencies, missing information, or potential areas of non-compliance.

Benefits of Proprietary Models:

  • Increased efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks and streamlines the audit process.

  • Improved accuracy: Reduces human error and ensures consistent risk assessment.

  • Deeper insights: Provides data-driven analysis for a more comprehensive audit.

2) Third-Party Oversight

  • Enhanced Credibility: A positive audit report from a respected accounting firm strengthens the credibility of our product issuance process for regulatory bodies and external stakeholders. This independent verification demonstrates our commitment to rigorous standards.

  • Unbiased Assessment: External auditors bring a fresh perspective, free from potential internal biases. This objectivity ensures a thorough evaluation of our controls and helps identify any areas for improvement.

  • Comprehensive Review: The external audit goes beyond continuous monitoring. It provides a detailed, point-in-time assessment of our product issuance process. This allows auditors to identify potential weaknesses that might be missed in an ongoing monitoring system.

External Audit Process:

The third-party accounting firm establishes audit procedures to assess our product issuance process.

These procedures may include:

  • Interviews: Auditors will interview key personnel involved in product issuance to gain a direct understanding of the process.

  • Testing of Controls: They will perform tests to validate the effectiveness of our internal controls. This might involve reviewing a sample of transactions or observing specific control activities.

  • Analytical Procedures: The auditors will analyze financial and non-financial data to identify any anomalies or inconsistencies that may suggest control weaknesses.

  • Review of Documentation: Similar to the internal audit, they will review relevant documentation related to product issuance.


Upon completion of the audit, the third-party accounting firm will issue a formal audit report. This report will detail their findings, including any identified weaknesses in controls or non-compliance issues. It will also provide recommendations for improvement.

Commitment to Excellence:

By regularly engaging in external audits, Gen. M Partners demonstrates its dedication to continuous improvement and maintaining the highest standards of compliance in product issuance. This commitment helps us deliver trustworthy products you can rely on. This approach combines the power of automation with human expertise to deliver a robust and efficient internal audit of your product issuance process.

Frequency and Reporting

  • Frequency: Internal audits will occur in real-time, with a focus on continuous monitoring.

  • Reporting: The internal auditing models prepare detailed reports highlighting findings, recommendations, and areas for improvement. These reports are shared with senior management and relevant external auditing personnel.

Third-Party Accounting Firm Audit

Engaging an Independent Firm

To enhance transparency and objectivity, we collaborate with a reputable third-party accounting firm. This external audit provides an unbiased assessment of our product issuance process.

Audit Procedures

  1. Risk-Based Approach: The external auditors tailor their procedures based on risk assessments. They prioritize areas with higher inherent risks.

  2. Testing and Verification: The firm performs substantive testing, including sample testing of transactions, reconciliations, and data accuracy.

  3. Compliance Verification: Auditors verify compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. They assess whether our product offerings adhere to industry standards.

  4. Review of Financial Statements: The accounting firm examines financial statements related to product issuance. This includes revenue recognition, expenses, and disclosures.

Public Disclosure

  • Transparency: We believe in openness. Therefore, the results of the third-party audit are made public.

  • Regular Basis: Audited reports are published at regular intervals (quarterly or annually) on our platform. Users can access them easily.

Conclusion: Superior Compliance

The combined force of internal monitoring and external audits creates a synergy that elevates our compliance posture to a superior level. Internal monitoring provides the constant vigilance needed to identify and address potential issues early on. External audits, in turn, offer an independent and in-depth perspective, validating the effectiveness of our internal controls and highlighting areas for improvement. This two-stepped approach fosters a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that Gen. M Partners remains at the forefront of compliance within the industry. At Gen. M Partners, our commitment to excellence extends beyond profit margins. By subjecting every product issuance to rigorous internal and external audits, we ensure that our clients receive reliable, secure, and well-vetted investment opportunities. We invite our users to explore the audit reports and engage with us in an industry-leading transparent manner. Together, we build a more efficient and transparent financial ecosystem.

Last updated